Am I repeating myself ?!?!?!?

Arthur_de_Wolf wolfman at
Sat Jul 15 07:55:55 CEST 1995


yesterday I sent a message, from which I'm not sure it came through.
Actually I'm kind of a newcomer to all of this Internet-bussiness,
and I believe I did something wrong when I sent the message yesterday.
Last time, I got my own message back. Does that mean that you always
get your own message back, because you're on the list? Can someone help
me with that one. I sure didn't get my message back yesterday!

Can someone also tell me if my message was sent correctly yesterday?
If it _DID_ get through to the list, I'm probably repeating myself now,
so sorry for that.

Anyway, in my letter, I wrote that I'd like to thank Dwight for his
explanation on why the American comics are released so many months in 
advance, and also Harry and Daniel for their advice on the comicbook-
stores, here in Holland. I'll check them out.

> That is where I was waiting for: Another Dutch member! How old are 
> you? I'm 21 years old, still being the youngest Dutch member?

Well, I think I have to disappoint you. You're no longer the youngest
Dutch member. I'm getting 19 years old next month.

> Also the Dutch ones? I sure don't agree about last few years, 
> I think they now mainly contain weak stories.

I agree. That's why I prefer the American comics lately. 

> Hmm, I don't think I can agree with that. Writing "fictional" 
> stories doesn't mean you also can write *bad* stories.

Well, I guess you're right.

> PS. Do you have the Carl Barks Library?

No. Can you tell me more about it?


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