Disney Giant

Sharon L Branvold branvold at badlands.NoDak.edu
Mon Jul 17 04:42:54 CEST 1995

  First introductions, I am a comic dealer from North Dakota.
I have been reading and collecting Disney and particularly Ducks for over 
30 years.  I started collecting with U.Scrooge, and haven't stopped.
I have read everything From the CBL, the censored stuff, the Xeroxed 
copies of giveaways, and the new changed stories.  I really enjoyed the 
Don Rosa work from the beginning, and have also enjoyed Pat Block's 
limited work.  I have met Barks, Rosa, and Block;  all very nice people.
Re: The Disney Giant; the story was great, the cover stood out from all 
the others on my comic racks.  People picked it up because it looked 
different!  I picked it up to READ, not gaze all day at the cover!
If Gladstone prints Rosa's work on any material, I will buy it and be 
glad  they are doing so.  The alternative is (shudder) no one printing 
Bark's recent attempt (I use the term loosely) at doing a U.Scrooge story 
tells me he either ran out of ideas, or William Shakespeare ghosted all 
his other stories!  He was definitely the KING at one time, no more.
Let's hope Don Rosa and Pat Block continue to produce the fine work they 
have done so far.
If anyone is looking for back-issues, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do.
See You in San Diego!-----Barry------

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