Disney-comics digest #725.
Mike Pohjola
mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Mon Jul 17 23:13:03 CEST 1995
> First up, THIS IS NOT LARRY -- IT'S DAVID! As usual I'm using my
hehee... DAVID:
> According to Egmont, the three leading BBs have personalities.
Thank you for the information you gave me. Are the personalities used
by you also used by some others (as in 'Perilous Portrait')? I, at least, would
like to use them, because it is often quite irritating when there are many
different personalities for one character and they are all used by one artist
> 176-167 is the leader of the trio.
Is that really his only 'canon' personality? Not the smart one? Not
the angry one? Not the unquestionable authority and the spiritual leader of
the Beagle Boys?
> 176-761 is the greedy one who likes prunes the most.
The other ones like the prunes too, then? Doesn't he ever get fat by
eating them? Is he greedy towards food only? When he is hungry, and he sees
a shop selling bananas ten feet away and a shop selling prunes a thousand
feet away, which one would he steal from?
> 176-671 is the dumb one.
Not the strong one as well? But the "devoted to his eccentricities"
stuff sounds like you could make a lot of fun with it.
>But -- importantly -- these three Beagles STILL look identical to each other!
So I couldn't e.g. make 167 (the boss) have glasses on when he's
reading or somebody shaving just before the action starts etc.?
> In two of my upcoming stories, "Rolling in Dough" and "A Fouled-Up
>Fairy Tale", you'll get to see my versions of the Beagle Boys.
Will they be out from Egmont? And if, then when?
Mike - The Finnish Trekkie
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