Disney-comics digest #732.
Mikko Henri Juhani Aittola
maittola at snakemail.hut.fi
Tue Jul 25 11:55:26 CEST 1995
First, thanks to Barry Branvold for his reply to my 'article'
about Lustig and Grandey. These Grandey's faxes reached also
Finland's Disney publishers and I can tell that they were VERY
MUCH concerned about what was going on.
It is obvious that John Lustig can't know what was going on
on the other side of Atlantic but I think he should at least try.
I consider scandinavia and Germany as the primary market for Disney-comics
made by Rosa, Van-Horn and Barks. I think it's very much unfair that
certain manager starts to 'hit' Rosa here while Rosa lives on the
other side of Atlantic. What do the fans who are not on this mailing-
list think about Rosa when they read Grandey's statements about
Rosa's comics? I can't see any reason they should attack Rosa's comics.
Lustig wrote:
> When I mentioned that negative things were said about Barks, Van Horn, myself
> and others you didn't seem to believe me. In particular you refused to
> believe than anything negative was said on the list about Barks. You insisted
> that Rosa certainly hadn't said anything bad about Barks. And you demanded
> that I repeat all those awful things--if they really existed--and tell
> everyone exactly who said them.
> Well, here's my answer: No!
So why you even mentioned that those 'negative things' exists.
I repeat that Don Rosa has been very polite on this mailing-list
towards you, Van-Horn and Barks'. I don't recall anything negative
written about them.
So you think *I* should go through the archives, while *you*
are the person who writes about those archives. Hah!
> 2) Issue a plea that we put this nastiness behind us. (Based on your letter,
> Mikko, I've apparently failed on this one.)
No, no, no. I didn't bring the subject up again.
You did. Had you only send the settlement without your own
attack towards this mailing-list, without telling who are
the people on this mailing-list and what have they done,
I wouldn't have replied to you.
> 5) Lastly, I tried to make a case that the attacks on the mailing list
> against Barks in particular were unfair.
Now, I wanna really know what these attacks are?
> There were other things said about Barks by Rosa and other people on this
> list, but why go into all that?
So you accuse other people on this list without mentioning:
Who did What? When did What?
You make me feel guilty and I don't even know what I have done.
Is that your point, make us all feel guilty?
> After I read this I went back through the archives and tried to track down
> exactly what Grandey supposedly said in print when he and Barks were in
> Finland. Perhaps I missed something, but the only instance I could find was a
> brief report by you. Excuse me if, at this point, I doubt your objectivity.
So do you really think that disney-comics mailing-list is the
right place to track down what Bill Grandey said in Finland?
You can doubt my objectivity but I have the darned article right
here, right now. I can send a copy of that with a translation
if you want.
> Grandey himself, on the other hand, has been attacked repeatedly and in very
> personal ways on this mailing list. A great many assumptions have been made
> about him--with very few facts to base them on.
I, personally, have attacked Grandey based on what *I* know.
I can base my attacks on him on that article in major Finnish
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