Disney-comics digest #736.

Brent R. Siewert 74454.2506 at compuserve.com
Fri Jul 28 18:27:38 CEST 1995

Perhaps some of the San Diego Comic Convention attendees this weekend will be
able to update us on Gladstone's plans, but the back page subscription ad in the
new Comic Buyers Guide (#1133?) is troublesome.  It lists all the Gladstone
except WDC&S as being published in the "self-covered" format (i.e., 32 pages @
$1.50 each).  Has anyone heard if this change has been adopted?  The new Advance
Comics lists the Gladstones coming out in October in both the $1.50 and $1.95
formats.  I'd think it would be too early for Gladstone to judge if the
self-covered formats sells better or as good as the regular format we are used
to, but I would be very discouraged if everything went self-covered.   My
opinion is that the market will eventually reject the self-covered format, if
only because it looks so much different (duller and less eye-catching) than
everything else currently available.  I'll reserve judgment on the prestige
format WDC&S until I see the content, but my vote would be for the more
conventional $1.95 format for the majority of the line.

Jumping out of lurking mode for a brief instant,

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