Rosa in Germany

H.W. Fluks microage!!fluks at
Thu Jun 1 21:33:00 CEST 1995

DANNY ("not Peter") wrote to DON:
> In just a few days your trip through Germany will begin

That reminds me - DON: that one-page gag you made for Germany.
Will it be published somewhere else, too, or do I have to look
for it when I visit Germany?

> The 5th of the [German] "Don Rosa" albums, containing
> "The Billionaire of Dismal Downs", "The Invader of Fort
> Duckburg" and "Oolated Luck" is out now

Yes, I was able to buy that album last week. They stupidly
announced "Oolated Luck" as chapter 11 (since it is in the album
right after chapters 9 and 10...).

The back cover had a drawing of Donald and Scrooge in the 313 car,
with Don himself on the back seat (a photograph, still with beard).
The drawing looked faxed, but otherwise very good.

> There was even an article about Carl Barks, the German
> "Barks Library" and you in the "Kino ( which means Movie) News"

Hm... they could have renamed it to "Keno News" for the occasion...

> "Micro Ducks From O.S.". I`m wondering
> if you will make a story basing on this

Egmont already published a followup to this story, somewhere in the
80s. I re-read it a few weeks ago, and I don't like that story.
Maybe Don could do a better job... But then again, this story
would take place 8 years after 1966, which is way after Scrooge
died (in the Rosa universe, at least).

> As you perhaps know there is a kind of a "Don Rosa Library"
> published in Germany
> The first six albums contain two LO$-chapters each

Are you saying they plan to continue that album series after
the last chapter of Lo$? The series is called "Uncle Scrooge,
his life, his billions" so I thought it would be only 6 albums.


Harry Fluks         ()_()      Hollaendische Disney Comics Wahnsinniger
PTT Telecom          (_)                         fluks at
Niederlande                 "Jawohl.. Ich habe von Koralbarken gehoert"

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