Dear Uncle Donald...

Daniel van Eijmeren daniel at
Sun Jun 4 16:11:51 CEST 1995

Hi all!

Last friday I got my new DD Weekly (23) and here's what I found in 
"Uncle Donald's Mailbox", it's about "Bottle Battlers" from Barks 
(JW 10).

Hallo Donald.

In Donald Duck no. 11 the big F.L.O.E.P.E.R. orders the Junior 
Woodchucks to clean up the mess in the scenery. That is a very good 
idea. But what I don't understand is that he has a broken twig in his 
hands, while there are new leaves on it! That is, I think, *not* a 
good idea!

Greeting from a Duckfan's mother, Molenhoek.
BTW. This wasn't meant as a *complaint*, only as a funny letter.

In Holland we don't have a mailbox as Gladstone's. Only children 
telling about their pets or adventures. But it's sure funny to see 
*what* they write:

Hi Donald! 

I have a very special collection. I collect trolls. Those are cute 
animals with long coloured, upright standing hair. I already have 63 
of them! [...] My 63 trolls are named: Doc, Pritty, Rick, Sun-Down, 
Glue, Chris, All-Star..................Jorgen, Bryan and Dan. Do you 
also have a collection?

Dorian Bergsma, Zwolle.

[Answer:] I think I have a funny collection of 63 names, Dorien! I 
hope you don't mind that I didn't print them *all*!

I know, it's nothing important. But I thought it might be amusing for 
you to see.

Have a nice day!

--- Daniel

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