HDL colors

Neal Kinney nkinney at netcom.netcom.com
Tue Jun 6 23:28:32 CEST 1995

At 03:20 PM 6/6/95 -0400, Cdoberman at aol.com wrote:
>I've been trying to figure out which colors Hewey, Dewey and Louie wear.  I
>thought it was Hewey Green, Louie Blue and Dewey Red.  But I got confused in
>"Meteor Madness" in WDC&S 598 when Susan Daigle-Leach (who is a terrific
>colorist, IMHO) clearly mixed up the colors on page 5.  One of the duckling's
>hats turns from green in panel 1 to blue to red and back to blue.
>Wes Andersen

I read in one of the letters columns of Gladstone's DuckTales that the TV
artists keep track of HDL colors in this manner:  "Hewey is RED (brightest
of the HUES), Dewey is BLUE (the color of DEW)..." and Louie is GREEN
(because either Louie and Lawn start with the letter "L" or because green is
the only option left).  - Neal Kinney

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