The Art of Reading Mattelart & Dorfman...

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at
Wed Jun 7 09:37:51 CEST 1995 not a question of whether to see comics as pure entertainment or not.
What is crucial to know if one wants to understand this book is that the
analysis, Marxist though it may be, is *not* based on USAmerican Disney comics,
but on *Chilean* (and/or other Central/Southamerican) Disney comics. And that
at the time when Mattelart and Dorfman wrote their book, those Chilean editions
of (amongst others) Barks' stories were *heavily* edited to give them exactly
that capitalist indoctrinational slant for which Mattelart and Dorfman
criticizes them! Now, I'm not exactly defending M & D, 'cause it seems it never
occured to them that Disney comics might not be identical all over the world;
but the major blame should lie with the publishers of the various international
editions of the book who even less seemed to realise this... But hey -- if'n we
can git at that bloodsucker Disney Corp... (add possible smiley)!

All my best, Comrades!


**** Mattias Hallin ** Lund * Sweden ** <Mattias.Hallin at> ****
*                                                                        *
*               "Oh bury me thar! With my battered git-tar!              * 
**************       A-screamin' my heart out fer yew!"      *************

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