Hi, Mr. Barks! (Lost art)

Daniel van Eijmeren daniel at maisie.ow.nl
Fri Jun 9 01:07:01 CEST 1995


>>> I`d give anything to get one line of him or speak to him for 
>>> only a minute!!!
>>  Would you?
> Hey, I`m a fan! Of course I would love to meet him, and I think
> everybody on this list would like to, too.

Your comment just made me ask myself what *I* would have asked him,
and I don't think I have a really important question that only *he* 
can answer (and didn't answer before!).

I don't think I have questions to Barks, only *about* him (his work). 

*Burning* questions like:

* Isn't there any change that some of Barks' lost work is somewhere 
  in the Disney vaults? How much did Another Rainbow try to trace 
  *all* the survived art? (I also wonder *where* they found it...)
  Isn't there any change to see the lost stories "Golden Apples" and 
  "Bobsled-race" in the future? (It could be that this art is filed 
  under the wrong name, or something like that...)
Thinking about this, I *maybe* have one question to Mr. Barks: 

  "Why didn't you try to get the scrapped art back as soon as you 
   discovered that it was scrapped?" (Barks *did* get some of his 
   original art back, like the unpublished "Christmas Carol".)

Maybe you notice, that this subject ("lost art") really frustrates 
me sometimes. If I remember well, David has been in the Archives. But 
I can't recall exactly what he said about it... maybe he can refresh 
my memory when he returns to our "family"?

--- Daniel

"As Barks remembers it, the story was a modern version of the myth of 
Atlanta and the golden apples, and was shelved because Daisy did not 
behave in a 'ladylike manner' in the story." (Kim Weston)


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