Disney comics in Holland / Germany

H.W. Fluks fluks at pcssdc.pttnwb.nl
Tue Jun 13 09:26:42 CEST 1995

Here are some remarks about various Dutch and German comics I've
bought recently.

DONALD DUCK (Dutch weekly) 1995-23

contains Don Rosa's Duck Family tree, entirely re-inked by
Michel Nadorp. Some portraits are missing, and will be given
as stickers (like in the German edition) in DD 25, 27 and 29.

There are some changes w.r.t. the German version I also have:

- April, May and June are also in the tree, and Daisy is shown right
  in stead of left. (Don already told us there were two versions of
  his tree: with and without AMJ.)

- Some details are missing, like the beatle hair around Fethry's

- The portrait of HDL's father is covered by a bird. In the German
  (original) version, the bird is in the tree, covering the portrait.
  In the Dutch (redrawn) version, the bird is part of the portrait!

- Some portraits are changed so they do NOT show the faces of the
  people portrayed: Donald's father is reading a newspaper, his mother
  is baking a pie, and Grandma's husband is working on the land.
  A nice detail is that they gave Donald's father the name
  Woerd "Snater" Duck; Woerd Snater is the pre-war Dutch name of
  Donald Duck.

The future DD issues will also explain the backgrounds of some of
the members of the Duck family. Can't wait to see how they screw up
things there...

Issue 23 also contains:
- a reprint of Barks' backup story of Uncle Scrooge 33. One of Barks'
  worst stories, IMHO.
- a funny Mickey Mouse story featuring Clarabelle and Horace. Funny,
  but untranslateable.
- Gyro, D 5738, by Branca? Quite OK.
- Scrooge, D 4863. To quote Jo/rgen: "ZZZZZ"

DONALD DUCK (Dutch weekly) 1995-24

- a surprising story by Vicar, D 93172. Donald learns pigeons how to
  pick coins. Maybe written by one of our list members?
- some Dutch and Danish fillers
- a new Heymans story, H 94156. Donald's delivery service. New gags on
  an old theme.


A 160-page album with comics, stories, puzzles and games.
The stories worth mentioning:

- The *opening* story is D 92193, "Tour de Jour". This one *is* written
  by one of our list members...
- A strange Mickey Mouse story from France, FJM 94224.C (15 pages).
  Mickey and Goofy travel through time back to the 30s and meet
  the "old" Minnie, Peg-leg Pete, Eli Squinch, Chief O'Hara, and
  professors Ecks and Doublex! The story seems to celebrate some
  jubileum, but this is lost in the translation.
- Scrooge in Venice, D 90212. Jose Colomer Fonts.
- Donald Duck, "The duck who never was" (D 93574), by Don Rosa.
  The translation is quite literal. There is no explanation at all
  why Donald is congratulated with his 60th birthday, 61 years after
  he was created.
  The little signs saying "Ancient worship" and "Rocks" were left
  blank in this version.

EIN FALL FUER MICKY Nr. 19 (German comic, "Mickey Mystery")

I bought this comic when I was in Germany last week, just to see
what it was like. (And because I couldn't find a TEMPO magazine
with Rosa's art in it!)
These comics (digest-sized, with stories on 3 rows) were discussed
on the mailing list before.
Number 19 contains two stories, D 94011 ("The ring of the jewel thieves")
and D 93557 ("Scandal at the film festival"). What a disappointment!
Even the Dutch mystery stories, with Basil from Baker Street, are
much better!


This German comic contains Italian reprints. Two of them are drawn
by Scarpa, and apparently inked by two different people. "Der Liebe
zarte Bande" (don't know how to translate this), with Brigitta MacBridge
and a guy named Kuno Knauel. And "Donald's special capabilities", Donald
becomes a school teacher. Neither of the stories have a code. Does
anyone recognise those stories?


Contains one of the rare stories Freddy Milton did for Gutenberghus,
before he went to work with Jippes for Oberon! "Ella the mascotte",
D 3877, 8 pages. Drawings not bad, story much worse.


Harry Fluks         ()_()                 Dutch Disney comics freak
PTT Telecom          (_)                     fluks at pcssdc.pttnwb.nl
Netherlands                  "Yeah.. I've _heard_ of coral barques"

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