Disney-comics digest #702.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Fri Jun 23 08:01:00 CEST 1995

        You're in Japan? I've always wondered if they have Disney comic
books in Japan, where comics sell better than anywhere on the planet. I have
never seen or heard of a Japanese Disney comic, so I'm suspecting there are
none. If there are, what are they using? Reprints of the Dell/Barks style
stuff from Dell, Egmont, Oberon and Gladstone? Or that Italian-style stuff?

        Yes, the German "Rosa Library" album publisher (Ehapa) accidentally
asked me to do a cover based on the "Lo$" part 6 even though they didn't
need that cover. As nice as it is to see that series, and as nice as the
Ehapa people are to me, I'm afraid that what little work they put into that
series is riddled with errors. All they have to worry about is assembling
the already-(poorly)-colored stories into the album under a new cover, but
they make careless goofs like leaving signage lettering off the cover, or
coloring it worse than the interior art. On #4, with the cover similar to
Gladstone's "$CROOGE MCDUCK IN THE YUKON" cover, they totally ignored my
coloring requests. On #5 they gave the Rough Riders bright GREEN cavalry
hats and holsters, colored the Beagle Boys naked hands WHITE, and put bright
YELLOW hulls on the battleships, colored the coins all GOLD, gave $crooge
GREEN spats, etc., etc. I have no control over this stuff since I have no
shred of ownership in any aspect of my own work, so I just try to bear up
under seeing poor production on work that I'm very proud of. But I'm
helpless -- I never say much since I might be seen as a "prima donna" or
something. Besides, I just keep in mind that Gladstone will eventually give
my stories literally award-winning production values!
        Speaking of Gladstone's version of chapter 9: I guess there was
supposed to be a "Kidnapped?" under Goldie's picture, but it wasn't really
needed. I didn't even notice it wasn't there. And I would never have told
you that the limerick was supposed to end with "struck home" since I
designed the balloons and script so that the last words would be "hidden"
under the lady-judges' "!!!" balloon. I pictured the final words to be some
sort of gross obsenity. 
        And I don't know how old Scottie is supposed to be in that story.
Why? Obviously, he's just a kid, sure. He's not a midget or something! 12? Okay.

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