King $crooge the first

H.W. Fluks fluks at
Thu Mar 2 09:47:53 CET 1995

> But the last few pages to "King Scrooge the First" were 
> also largely rewritten and butchered by Whitman when Strobl drew 
> them, so remaking the story is also a way to restore Barks' 
> conclusion (which was obviously done in Schroder's aborted version, 
> as per the four surviving panels).

It is true that the ending of the story was changed, but that is *not*
the half page Schro"der art printed in the CB Library.

To quote Geoffrey Blum in the CBL: "Barks himself seems to have been
the one who decided that the final confrontation between Khan Khan
and the ducks was too rough, for his script contains this marginal note - 
"Change to heli[copter] lift gag" ."
This is the Schro"der half page. My guess is that Scho"der did this half
page as a practice (to show the editor what his art would look like), and
that it was not meant to be part of the story.

For Anders, and others who don't have the CBL (and don't have xerox copies,
like I do 8-): here's the original script of the *ending* of the story (the
numbers refer to panels):

5. Swami becomes very wrinkled and aged.
   Kid points: "Hey! Look! The king is turning [crossed out: into an]
   old, OLD -"
   Swami looking toward open doorway.
   "My armies are DUST in the desert out there!"
6. Swami going into desert a bent, old man. Swami: "I go gladly to join
   them! Everlasting life, GOOD-BY!"
7. Don and S by treasure pile. Don: "Well! The one-time KING exchanged
   THIS TREASURE for a handful of gray powder!" S in treasure bathing.
   "Yeah, after living forty centuries anybody'd be a NUT!"
8. Kids looking askance: "Maybe - or very, very WISE!"


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