Distribution trouble

Mark Mayerson mayerson at sidefx.sidefx.com
Fri May 5 20:15:08 CEST 1995

Has anybody on this list talked to Gladstone about the turmoil in the
distribution market?  I mention this because Toronto is a real mess due
to the bankruptcy of of Andromeda Distributing.  

This week, there were no new Gladstones anywhere in town.  It's possible
that they'll arrive next week, but I don't know if any of the remaining
distributors servicing Toronto even carry Gladstones.

So, I still haven't seen Horsing Around with History.  What a week for
no new Gladstones.  I don't even want to think about missing the rest of
the Life of $crooge.
Mark Mayerson				Catapult Productions
Internet:  mayerson at sidefx.com          Toronto, Ontario, Canada
					(416) 504-9876

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