When/where is MY OWN Comic-Con panel?

DAVID.A.GERSTEIN 9475609 at arran.sms.ed.ac.uk
Sat May 27 14:56:17 CEST 1995

      You got it... I'm really as clueless as the subject line 
implies.  When I left the United States, the San Diego Convention 
folks hadn't yet told me exactly when my panel discussion was to be.  
I had specified Friday at 4 or 5 P. M., and was in touch with them 
early enough that I might have gotten "first dibs" on that time (as 
happened last year).
      Since so many people on the list are going to be congregating 
at this thing, I'd sure like to get the final word on when and in 
what room I'm supposed to set everything up.  But it costs upwards of 
$4 per minute to call the United States from here due to a 
monopolistic arrangement my university has set up with the phone 
system, so I can't call the San Diego Con folks to find out what's 
      Can someone get in touch with them and find out for me when 
"Disney Comics: What's All the Quacking About" is going to occur?
      By the way... any Egmont writers who missed my last 
announcement should know they're invited to speak at, or at least 
attend, this panel discussion.

      On an unrelated note... a recent letter I got from Pat Block 
included Xeroxed art from his fourth story, which will be appearing 
in DDA 35 (two months after DDA 34 also includes one of his 
stories!).  I know nothing more about this story, "The Poorest Duck 
in Duckburg," except what the enclosed panels show.  The Beagle Boys 
have some very complicated gizmo hooked up that SUCKS money out of 
Scrooge's money bin from below, and cranking a device that looks 
vaguely like a faucet causes oodles of cash to spurt out into waiting 
mine cars.  "Before you can say 'grand theft'," laughs 176-167, "we 
get ourselves a BIG HELPING of Scrooge McDuck's money!"
      Looks like a fine story in the works.  Written by Ron 
Fernandez, by the way;  he also letters it.

      David Gerstein
      <9475609 at arran.sms.ed.ac.uk>
      "Wherever he's going, give me two more tickets!"

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