Disney-comics digest #677.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Mon May 29 15:25:00 CEST 1995

        You must know that none of us are paid royalties on any use of our
Disney stories. The royalties ARE paid for the use of these stories, but
they are paid to the Disney Co. who had nothing whatsoever to do with the
writing or drawing of the stories we do for Egmont (or Oberon or whoever) --
yet Disney keeps 100% of that money. Maybe that will change someday, but the
first order of business is to try to get our original artwork returned. It
would be one thing to get money paid to us that we might deserve somehow --
but FIRST it's more important to stop the confiscation of our private
property that we have never agreed that we are selling. One thing at a time.

        I think you should read your Gladstone version of "GotLL" before I
answer many questions. I have no idea how well your Dutch translator stuck
to my original script.
        But as to a few of your general queries -- EVERY fact in that story
is absolutely authentic, right down to Columbus being a bookdealer before
going to sea and that Francis Drake, on a secret mission, raided that
particular ship leaving that port in that year. The only made-up parts of
the story are how the Lost Library was involved -- but I think a historian
would agree that I tied it all together so that it was at least possible.
(Oh, and I made up the Abby of San Slanti.) Ask me about specific details
after you read it in English.
        The library had to keep shrinking as various parts were omitted in
order to ultimately condense it's most important details down into a single
volume (in a "magical" fashion that is "scientifically unexplainable" as
they say). I can't say how well your Dutch translator explained all that.>

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