Disney-comics digest #848.

Mike Pohjola mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Thu Nov 16 17:44:22 CET 1995

>Most comic books in Finland use typed word balloons. At least the

	I wouldn't say so. The French comics, DD pocket books etc. have
an actual letterer (Pixi Putus is the most respected). And I think the font
in Aku Ankka is actually quite neat; thick and well readable (unlike my 
hand-writing in those comics I made at school).
	And btw, if you've read Don's "Scrooge McDuck in Hearts in Yukon" 
in Walt Disney Giant #1, it had a guy from Lapland (!) but the letterer
accidentally wrote Iceland.

>Donald, Scrooge, Lewey (yup, it was him - not any of his 

	Lewey? Is he the fifth nephew?-)

>"I hate Mickey Mouse!" before quickly turning the next sheet...

	Did you see the Finnish television show about Don? He was asked
about the reason for his dislike in Mickey. He answered: "I do NOT dislike
Mickey Mouse!" and the translation was: "I like Mickey Mouse!" :)

	And is salmiac a real English word?-o I always thought they didn't
have a word because it was illegal in most other countries but Finland.
	On page two of "The Dreamtime Duck of Never Never" there was a note
to the colorers too: "COLOR: DESERT".
	After several minutes of looking for D.U.C.K. last week, I gave up
and decided it must've been on the removed back-ground. But after reading your
message, I began looking for it again and found it! What a dirty place to hide
	Don works for Egmont (Denmark). They distribute the stories to Finland,
Sweden, Denmark and Norway. I think the publishing order is following, each
country a week after the one before: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland.


	Mike - The Finnish Trekkie

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