Nutmeg on chocolate mousse Cdoberman at
Mon Nov 20 21:54:31 CET 1995

In a message dated 95-11-20 09:02:22 EST, donrosa at (Don Rosa)

>Yes, nutmeg is a drug. Mormons won't eat it on their chocolate mousse.

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!  Don, it is the lot of Mormons to hear all kinds of wacky
things about us that people say, but aren't in any way true.  As a Mormon, I
can assure you that nutmeg is NOT part of the health code known as the Word
of Wisdom.  There are few things I enjoy more than a little nutmeg sprinkled
on top of my egg nog (non-alcoholic of course)  ;-)  By the way, I hear you
hate Mickey Mouse.  ;-)  Touche.

-- Wes

"But, Mickey!  It's SUICIDE!  We'll be KILLED!  How'll we ever land without
wheels?" -- Captain Doberman

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