Disney Armageddon in Europe?

Mike Pohjola mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Wed Nov 29 14:11:00 CET 1995

DON (anybody may reply, I don't mind):
	A thought came to me when I read your message yesterday. You always 
complain about how American kids don't read books anymore, but spend all their 
time with tv instead. This hasn't been the case with Europe, but now cable and
satellite have become popular in Finland too. Also you say that American
kids don't read Duck comics any longer, but waste all their time on super-
heros. Could those too have something to do with each other? Do I see the
downfall of disney comics in Europe coming?

(me to somebody last month:)
>>	Those are Italian?! Yack! I hate them! The science fiction with
>>little fiction and even less science. The idiot time-travel stories
>>where they go to the past after a pizza receipt. All those yucky
>>stories with a plot worse than world should ever know!-( If I don't
>>get any stories published by Egmont, I know where to send them...:)
>rubbish. Do you think it's fair? I certainly don't! That's why I try
>as hard as I can to stop any attempt at quick generalisation. Instead,

	I'm sorry... Maybe it would be better not to sort stories by the
genrem, but rather to have a list with the genre name of the stories that
belong to that particular genre?


	Mike - The Finnish Trekkie

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