Disney Armageddon in Europe?

Geir J. Netland Geir.J.Netland at misjonshs.no
Wed Nov 29 23:13:37 CET 1995


> Do I see the
> downfall of disney comics in Europe coming?

In 1994, it was only "Calvin & Hobbes" and "The Far-Side" who sold
more than the year before here in Norway. That means that even
the Disney-comics have a downfall. I'm afraid that Europe will
follow in Americas foot-prints. 


You said that you didn't think that any other but Barks and
Rosa has been mentioned in a DD&co (AA) magazine.  Marco
Rota has also been mentioned. This was in an article in
one of the DD&co-extra issues, featuring one of Rotas
Donald-Villand (Andold Wildduck) stories.

  I don't think that it will help very much to ask the
publishers to write the credits in the Disney-magazines.
A lot of people have asked them before.  
   Their answers are ex.:  "Nobody is interessted in knowing
the credits"  or  "Disney doesn't allow us to write them".

         Geir J. Netland
Hide, men! If he sees us, he'll put 
two and two together and  get THREE
-Three  guilty  ducklings, that is!

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