No subject JALustig at
Tue Oct 10 02:48:53 CET 1995

rd to your reviews--by all means continue on just as you're doing.
What's the point of having a review if you don't have any opinions in them?

As far as you're not liking "Fifty-Cent Frenzy"--well, sorry to hear it. But
that's okay. I don't expect every story to work for every reader--although it
would sure be nice.

One small point of interest, though. That yarn was largely inspired by a real
parking garage--which was even more cramped and impossible than the one in
the story. William and Elaine Van Horn were down for a visit. At the time,
Bill had this enormous old Cadillac and I was in the passenger seat cringing
as he tried manuevering around hanging pipes, impossible curves and probably
a landmine or two. We kept winding farther and farther into this deathly
maze--unable to either park or escape from...(pause for dramatic

(*Soon to be a major motion picture starring Herbie the Love Bug and Dean


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