Barks and Indiana Jones

Marco Barlotti marcobar at
Mon Oct 16 11:54:24 CET 1995

The final scene from Bark's "Seven cities of Cibola" (can you understand
this? Alas, I only know the Italian name of the story!) with the idol which,
as soon as removed, makes everything crash, is openly the inspiration for
the BEGINNING of Indiana Jones' first film. I think Spielberg itself said
this, and if somebody is interesting maybe (maybe!) I can even find the
By the way, speaking of "The Prize of Pizarro" (I know this name, I' ve read
it in my mail!): I loved this story since its first appearing in the 50's
(yes, I' m so old!); when , many years later, some relatives who had been
there on holiday brought me their pictures of Machu Picchu I said: but I
know this place! I must have been there sometimes, I know it so well! Yes,
Machu Picchu is undoubtedly the scenary for Barks' "TPoP", and I had read
the story so many times since my first youth that I really felt as if I had
been there. I always thought, since then, that this feeling was the greatest
proof of Barks'  art.
Marco Barlotti - Dept. of Math. - University of Florence (Italy)

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