Disney-comics digest #818.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Oct 18 05:30:00 CET 1995

        Bjorn is writing a message referring to the European publication of
my "Lost Charts of Columbus" story which just appeared in Norway and Denmark
as a supplement-edition to the weekly DD with a special cover. This is my
combined sequel to "The Golden Helmet" (slightly) and "The Guardians of the
Lost Library". It was surprising to see another of my stories so soon,
immediately after they finished the 3rd chapter of "The Incredible Shrinking
Tightwad" -- and I think it was originally scheduled thus because I was, at
one time, going to be in Norway about now. That was during my trip to
Finland, but that was postponed several weeks. So, this is the first comment
I'll have seen about this new Columbus story -- and I look forward to
hearing Bjorn's remarks, as I am still in the frame of mind (as I am after
all the stories I do) that this Columbus thing was another long, tragic
mistake on my part. I usually think slightly better of my stuff after I
haven't seen it for a year or so. I work on each story for so long that by
the time I send it in to Egmont, I DETEST it!
        I already have another nifty idea for a Columbus story, but I need
to leave it in the notes stage for a year or two. (After researching
Columbus for several stories, I've become a big fan of his -- he was a
classic nutball genius. He had a truly amazing life, the most intriguing
parts of which came long AFTER he discovered America, making the telling of
them too anti-climactic, otherwise his life would be a lot more well-known
than it even is.)
        To any Norwegians: I've been told that they might get some extra
publicity out of this Columbus story because there is currently a hot public
debate between the elderly Thor Heyerdahl and some other famous, elderly
Norwegian historian/explorer (the guy who discovered the Viking settlement
in Newfoundland) about who actually discovered America. The DD weekly can
boast that everyone can "read this week's DONALD DUCK & CO. for the TRUE story".

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