MM in Don's stories

Geir J. Netland Geir.J.Netland at
Thu Oct 26 14:42:23 CET 1995

After receiving 1 mill. requests for a MM index (well, almost)
I feel forced to send it to this list.
  I don't think that this index is complete, so if anyone else
have found MM appearances, let me know!

AR 116: "Rocket Reverie"
      pg. 2, panel 5 (MM-planets)

AR 119: "Metaphorically Spanking"
      pg. 10, panel 1

AR 125: "The Crocodile Collector"
      pg. 9, panel 1 (I Don't know if this is supposed 
                      to be THE mouse)   

AR 145: "His Magesty McDuck"
      pg. 7, panel 8

H 89174: "The Pied Paper"
      pg. 7, panel 1

D 91192: "War of the Wendigo"
      pg. 23, last panel

D 93574: "The Duck who never Was"
      pg. 4, panel 6 & 9 

D 94012: "Treasury of Croesus"
      pg. 1, panel 3: (a mouse with MM shorts)
      pg. 2, panel 7: (a chicken with MM ears)
      pg. 18, panel 5

D 94066: "The universal Solvent"
      pg. 3, panel 1 & 2 (MM-robot)

D 94144: "Lost Charts"
      pg. 3, panel 1
      pg. 19, panel 7

       Life & Times of $McDuck:

  Part 4:
       pg. 12, panel 6

  Part 6:
       pg. 6, panel 1

  Part 7:
       pg. 6, panel 5

  Some of these appearances have been removed in some countries.

   Geir J. Netland

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