Uncle Scrooge Adventures
Carey Furlong - tdoc
furlong at ug.eds.com
Thu Sep 7 20:23:45 CEST 1995
> I picked up the latest Uncle Scrooge Adventures last night
> (can't remember the issue number), and it's mostly a Dutch
> story I translated last year ("The Temple Treasure of Khaos").
> To my amazement, the editor let stand an in-joke I slipped in:
> a camel driver was given the mock-Egyptian name Kheno ben Rhosa.
> So there it is for all of you on the ML to marvel at!
I noticed the Rosa reference immediately when I read the story
last night. Pretty good inside joke.
I did have one nit to pick with the translation, where Scrooge mentions
that they are passing the "Valley of Kings." I believe this should have
been, "Valley of the Kings." Like I said, just a nit. An excellent
translation and an adventurous story!
On the issue of the name of this mailing list: I agree with
Don's suggestion to merely add to the present name of the list
the word, "book." The list name would then be:
disney-comicbooks at minsk.docs.uu.se
This seems to me to be the easiest way to let potential newcomers
know exactly what this list is about before they join.
So long, folks!
---- Carey ----
Carey Furlong, Huntington Beach, CA; furlong at ug.eds.com;
cfurlong at ix.netcom.com; Prodigy TXST34A; Compu$erve 70531,2753;
Opinions expressed here are mine and do not represent those of EDS.
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