Scarpa's "periods" and more

kathy fitzpatrick kfitz at
Sat Sep 9 19:30:17 CEST 1995

Regarding Cash Flow, by Don Rosa,

I thought it was an early issue of Gladstone, but am no longer sure as at 
that time I still gave all of our well read comics away to friends with 
children who didn't like to read (and it made readers out of them as you can 
imagine).  It was sometime between 1985 and 1987 I am positive.  It could 
have been in a Gold Key comic.

The Beagle Boys get ahold of the inventor's anti-inertia and anti-friction 
(?)ray guns.  They use these to "liquify" and transport Uncle $crooge's 
money from his money bin and it flows through the streets of Duckburg.  

Perhaps people know this one by another name?  I will have to research the 
reappearance of the inventor and yes, it was by Don, it may have only been a 
cameo appearance.

This is the problem when you work with a networks system 10 months out of 
the year. Your mental RAM is too stuffed with details to sort through to the 
more fun and interesting things, my brain needs new memory chips.

>> Ooooops!  Thanks for setting me straight on the origin of the inventor.  I 
>> have not read the classical 1995, but I always wondered if in fact, the 
>> inventor had a Barks origin.
>Pleased to help!  Where did the "cashflow" story you mention appear?
>What are the other stories in which the inventor appears? Are they all
>by Don? You're welcome to reply to the mailing list instead of to me
>personally if you so wish -- others may like to know.
>      Frank      (Filologo Disneyano)

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