On Giveaways

EXTR.QDTGREG@memo.ericsson.se EXTR.QDTGREG at memo.ericsson.se
Thu Sep 28 16:43:00 CET 1995

--- Inkommet från EXTR.QDTGREG  +46 8 7192246       95-09-28 16:43

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Hi everybody,

I've been a member of this list for over a month now. The digests
are sent to my job, but I'm sad to say that I have little time to
read them. The discussion between David, Daniel and Harry about
different versions of "Santa's Stormy Visit", prodded me to
write this my first mail. Hopefully I can give you some of the
pieces in this CBL puzzle.

The hardcover B/W version of Barks' Xmas story is indeed redrawn
very badly. Another Rainbow had no good stats (as I think such
printing proofs are called) of this and a few other stories.

How come, then, that the CBL Xmas Giveaways in Color album had
much better versions of these stories? ? I know why. The
triggering event for this took place on Aug 10, 1992, outside San

I and four other Donaldists were invited to lunch by Geoffrey
Blum, Assistant Editor of Gladstone/Another Rainbow (he works for
them in his home). Among other things, we discussed the Carl
Barks Library and asked him why they had redrawn giveaways and
other stories. We were a bit surprised that the giveaways were
redrawn, because they had been published in very good versions
in Sweden five or six years ago. Geoffrey didn't know this! He
was very excited, of course. But he was also in quite a hurry to
find better stats, so we told him to contact Gutenberghus (now
Egmont). I think he gave Byron Erickson a call, and he did get
hold of the stats. I haven't compared the Swedish versions with
the CBL in Color versions, but I'll do it at home. I suppose
they are the same (probably also the same as the German version).

"Santa's Stormy Visit" was one of three giveaways published in
1987 for the first time in Sweden. It appeared in a special Xmas
album together with "New Toys" and "Donald's Best Christmas".
I don't know where the publisher got their fine stats from.

Finally, a few words about myself. I'm 35 years of age and live
in Stockholm. I've worked for over 6 years as a documentation and
information consultant. Before that I studied at the Stockholm
University and got a B.A. in English, Information and Cultural
Studies. Then I went on to post-graduate studies in English
linguistics. I still have almost a year of theoretical
studies left before I can start writing my thesis. Working full-
time at Ericsson Telecom doesn't help me get any closer to a

My interest in Disney comics and films goes a long way back. I
subscribed to the Swedish Disney weekly "Kalle Anka & C:o" in
1966-1979. I'm one of the founders of NAFS(k), the Swedish
Donaldist Society, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary next
year. Since a good many years I'm the society's Treasurer.

I regret that my job, my NAFS(k) duties and other interfering
interests have kept me from joining your fruitful discussions.
I'll try to keep in touch more often in the future!

Best wishes from Greger Nässén

(I don't know how my last name will look on your screens, but if
you're curious to know, the second letter is an a with a trema
(two dots) and the fifth letter is an e with an acute accent. The
stress is on the second syllable.)

start. I'm also one of the founders of NAFS(k), the Swedish
Donaldist Society, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary next
September. Since a good many years I'm the treasurer of NAFS(k).

I regret that my job, my NAFS(k) duties and other interfering
interests have kept me from joining your fruitful discussions.
I'll try to keep in touch more often in the future!

Best wishes from Greger Nässén

(I don't know how my last name will look on your screens, but if
you're curious to know, the second letter is an a with a trema
(two dots) and the fifth letter is an e with an acute accent. The
stress is on the second syllable.)

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