Disney comics in Japanese?

Frank Stajano fstajano at uk.research.att.com
Fri Dec 3 13:10:43 CET 1999

At 1999-12-03 12:53 +0100, Stefan Persson wrote:
>>Does anybody know whether there exist any Japanese editions of Disney 
>>comics? I'm not interested in whether they have a local production (I'm 
>>pretty sure they don't), just in whether any comics with reprints of 
>>western (US or European) stories exist, with the balloons lettered in Japanese.
>Egmont Japan publishes Disney comics in manga style, that are made in Japan.

That's interesting! Where should I write to buy some copies mail order?

But again: even more interesting for me would be Japanese reprints of 
classical (say: Barks) stories that I already have; any news on that?

Basically I'm looking for a Japanese version of something I am already very 
familiar with, so that I can attempt to decipher the Japanese script helped 
by the knowledge of what it "should" say.

  Frank (http://i.am/filologo.disneyano/)  http://www.uk.research.att.com/~fms/

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