What makes BEST?

Dr. Archontis Pantsios apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Sat Dec 4 13:05:53 CET 1999


>FYI: Holland and France also produce new stories "consistently". And very
>good ones, too. I'm sure the Dutch weekly would be in the top-3 of best
>current Disney comics - if it were written in Danish or English...

Yes, I was aware of new French stories, but I thought that they produced
just a handful per year and published in JM. Am I wrong on this one?

But you're right about the Dutch Disney comics production--it was my
oversight, and I must concur that I like what comes out from Holland.


>Yes, everything I write is always "in my opinion". The fact that you
>only can refer to people who loves KOMIX isn't surprising. Noone who
>owns say 100 KOMIX would also claim that he or she really don't like the
>magazine--that wouldn't make sense. I happened to get the two issues by
>a coincidence, and apart from the articles which I can't read, there is
>1) Nothing new and 2) Nothing I can't find in (to me readable) Danish in
>one or more versions.

Let me get something straight here: I have no special reasons to promote
KOMIX. On the contrary, I've written many letters criticizing them. And the
last thing I'd want would be to impose my opinion on others.

However, what struck me as odd was your bashing of a magazine simply because
it was in a language you couldn't decipher and because it re-printed
stories. This made little sense to me, but of course we agree to disagree. 

>I don't know, Archontis, but since you do, why go on with this

Leaving your insinuations aside, I never said I know which these are; at
least, though, I tried to articulate as to why I'd think that turning down
something simply because it didn't feature brand-new stories didn't make
much sense...

>I am happy to see you put the "If" there. Of course I wouldn't prefere
>magazines with only new material. In fact I would like to see more old
>Italian pocket material here in Denmark, just not "old" in the sense of
>"having seen and read much too often", because that is *boring*!

I'm someone who owns all the Barks stuff in the original and nearly all the
Rosa material. Yet, I buy "Picsou", "ZIO PAPERONE" and "KOMIX" because I'm
not one-dimensional in my appreciation of a comic book...

And I also get "Super Picsou Geant", "Topolino", "I Grandi Classici Disney",
and "I Classici Disney", and used to get "I MAESTRI DISNEY"; and I greatly
enjoy most of these comics. However, while I greatly enjoy both "Topolino"
and both the "Classicis" as I get to read stories for the first time ever, I
wouldn't put them at the top, because there are MANY characteristics and
dimensions to making a *GREAT* comic book.



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