R: Donald's new old neighbour

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Thu Dec 16 23:23:53 CET 1999

Hi, Anders Christian!

> I've now seen a certain charecter in 3 issues of the danish weekly.
> His name in danish is Hr. Naevenyttig, mening something like annoying
> I'm putting a scan at this page annoy.jpg
> http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Housing/9405/annoy.jpg
> I would like to know what his name is in your language.

Well, in Italy, he was called in two different ways.
I have not those stories handy, and I remember one of them, that is SIGNOR
ASFISSIETTI, that's literally means what you said: Mr. Boring, Mr. McBother,
or something of similar.


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