Does this story have another title?

Frank Stajano fstajano at
Fri Dec 17 00:53:10 CET 1999

At 1999-12-17 02:22 +1100, Alecto wrote:
>I can't find this 28 page story in the index ,does anyone know if it has
>another title?

One can easily tell that the original story was drawn by Luciano Gatto; and 
from the colophon in your scan one could be sure that it was not later than 
1969. With this primer, a laborious search through INDUCKS and FSB 
(ddb'ers: we need to do something about this...), with frequent 
cross-checks against the actual comics, allowed me to find the original story:

I AT 106-B (01-10-1965)
Paperino e l'atollo triangolare
28/tesoro su un'isoletta del Pacifico/Paperino; Zio Paperone, QQQ, Bassotti
[ristampe: AR 949, SAP 32]

For comparison, an image of the first panel is on my disc and I'll upload 
it somewhere tomorrow from work if I don't forget ;-)
Note how the edition you scanned traded the comparatively nice and warm 
Italian colours for the ugly and dull USA-style colours...

  Frank (

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