Two stones

Knut Hunstad Knut.Hunstad at
Wed Dec 22 13:51:25 CET 1999

This story with the two stones really was something new! I can not remember
having seen such a cross-over story in norwegian DD before! But some of the
artists are very much better with their "standard" characters than the ones
they aren't used to. MM comes out quite awkward looking in one of the
stories (you could almost think it was a MM joke from DR :-)

The whole concept is quite an experiment for the editors, I guess. This new
concept introduces stories that on their own aren't really wrapped up
properly, without anything stating that it really is a continuation story!
For dedicated readers this isn't a problem, but I would guess some of the
more now-and-then-readers might be a little baffled by this. And I really
don't hope this leads us to the super-hero-crossover-thing from the US,
where the same story continues between different magazines, so you have to
read one part in DD, the next in MM and then buy a "summer special" to read
the end...

BTW, speaking about cross-overs, I was surprised the other day to see a
cover page drawn by Don Rosa with both DD and MM in the same page! And MM
even looked like he should! A little slip there, Don? This is probably old
news, I realize, I didn't read this list for some time now and don't have
time to catch up on the X-hundred unread messages in my mailbox :-)

Merry christmas to all of you!

Knut Hunstad
Trondheim, Norway

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