Komix #139--2000 special

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Fri Dec 24 10:40:03 CET 1999


> so I thought I'd start this month, to see if I get it right!

Of course, I *didn't* get it right!

Between items 6 and 7, there should have been mention of Romano Scarpa's
"Lentils of Babylon", which takes the biggest part of the issue.

And, as someone already mentioned, there's a letter from list member Anders
Christian Sivebaek, with more references to yours truly than I'd care to

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at princeton.edu)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis
"Don't listen to me; I never do."

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