Strange website

Fluks, H.W. H.W.Fluks at
Fri Apr 28 13:28:32 CEST 2000

Gerry Tank:

> The above link comes up with a page called
> with a subtitle CARL BARKS. It then shows some illustrations
> of Donald Duck which have no resemblance to any of the Ducks
> that I've seen that were drawn by Mr. Barks.

Right. The third illustration seems to be directly copied from a cover of
one of the German albums "Abenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe" -
probably drawn by Miguel Pujol.

I have no idea either what's the use of putting 4 random illustrations on
the Web and adding the name Carl Barks to that. The only reason I can think
of is that the artist who traced these panels ("PoC") really thought they
were made by Barks...

BTW, one of the other illustrations on that website is called "Tank Girl".
Any relative of yours? 8-)


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