Dan Shane's Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck Webpage

F. A. Elliott eliot508 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 09:22:15 CEST 2000

Mr. Shane,

I really enjoyed all the work and information Don Rosa
and yourself put into your Life & Times of Scrooge
McDuck Webpage. I'm hoping you'll eventually include
the same information for the fill-in chapters after
his initial 12 part run. Thank you and God bless.

F.A. Elliott.

The 'one' who has a finger on 'it'... scratches against the mahogany lining of a coffin crying, "I am Jonah! I am Jonah! Spit me back out so I may see and feel the light of day again." And, the levithan does not heed for it knows every great epic must come to an 'end.'
A tasty morsel known as... "understanding."  (F.A. Elliott)


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