Carl Barks has Passed Away... Ohhh No!

F. A. Elliott eliot508 at
Fri Aug 25 21:09:56 CEST 2000

I always go to my computer to check for good news
about this time and was shocked to find out, on the
Disney Comics Mailing List, that Carl Barks had passed
away.... I said, "Ohhhh No" outloud!

Last night I was going through the DCML Archives for
the first time skimming over information about Carl
Barks, ducks, and the stuff. One gentleman was
pointing out that we should've been celebrating Mr.
Barks' centenial year now instead of later; warning us
not to wait until it's too late; pointing out how we
had recently lost Charles Schultz... And, now this.

I'm so glad I sent an e-mail to Mr. Barks 2 weeks ago
telling him how I thought he was the, "... best
creator in any century!" I know he read the e-mail (in
his large print format) or that it was read to him
with all his other e-mail. 

I mean, I almost didn't send it. I was going to
wait... until it was too late... and, I wouldn't had a
chance to brighten his day for a moment.

I don't think I or most Americans did enough to honor
or salute him for all that he did. A 2 1/2 minute
creator's moment on the Disney Channel a couple months
back isn't enough time to spotlight Carl Barks! Why
not a 2 hour (or at least an hour) Biography Special
on the A&E (Arts & Entertainment) Channel?

I don't know what else to say, so I guess I'm not
going to say it. 

Don Rosa, speaking about Carl Barks' use of character
characterization, "They all had... they were flawed
personalities, which is a reason I think his
characters were so popular. And they weren't
goody-goody like Mickey Mouse. They had bad tempers!
They had all the 7 deadly sins of man I think. And
yet, they would always suffer for whatever
imperfections they had."

Just like us I think. Just like us! God bless Carl
Barks' soul. God bless us all,

F.A. Elliott. 

The 'one' who has a finger on 'it'... scratches against the mahogany lining of a coffin crying, "I am Jonah! I am Jonah! Spit me back out so I may see and feel the light of day again." And, the levithan does not heed for it knows every great epic must come to an 'end.'
A tasty morsel known as... "understanding."  (F.A. Elliott)


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