Censorship and the incredible shrinking tightwad

Dan Shane danshane at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 8 15:16:13 CET 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kriton Kyrimis" <kyrimis at cti.gr>
To: <dcml at stp.ling.uu.se>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: Censorship and the incredible shrinking tightwad

> Now, can we address the point that I was trying to make, which is that
> the gags that were excised from "Tightwad" were *not* Don's best, and
> that they might even be considered to be in poor taste?

Taste is a matter of, well..., TASTE!  I have little problem with food
having fermented in someone's pocket.  I do have trouble with bodily
functions as a source of humor, though I know I am now in an ever increasing
minority on that one.  Thanks to THE LION KING's introduction of gas-passing
as acceptable, and the encroachment of gags like REN AND STIMPY's booger
collection into kid's animation programs, there is little that is even
considered "gross" anymore.

I'm about the same age as you, and seem to share your distaste for some
things that the rest of the world finds humorous.  But to my way of
thinking, slipping around in prune juice isn't one of them.

Dan Shane
(danshane at bellsouth.net)

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