R: Chase Craig

SRoweCanoe@aol.com SRoweCanoe at aol.com
Sun Dec 10 20:38:13 CET 2000

In a message dated 12/10/2000 12:13:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, cnotw at zen.it 

> nteresting. It seems that he was not able to remember so muche, indeed,
>  according with Alberto, who wrote him, and received onli "general" answers.

Whcih isn't too surprising.  how many of us can give more than "general" 
answers about our own careers? Or - more to the point - the trivia of our 
   Don Rosa (let me pick on Don ) can give us good info on his sstories, but 
what about if we started asking him questions about his construction work? I 
would imagine he can answer some/ most  - but what if we start asking him 
about why certain wood was used?    Or even, when he did that "Sun" story, 
what color socks was he wearing?
   I can no longer recall the last name of my best friend from the late 1970s 
(his first name was Paul). I do recall memorable stories about him.  I've met 
plenty of people who don't remember me, or that I don't remember them.   
   Why should we expect Craig to recall why certain panels were removed?  An 
event he probably had to do with multitude of artists  (and writers) 
throughtout the years; as far as we know - decisions that he had to do maybe 
a couple of times a week.  The fact that Barks was left mostly alone, doesn't 
mean that the few times he wasn't would make it all the more memorable to a 
busy editor.
  In the event that someone does get to meet / inteview Craig, I hope that 
the focus would be on getting him to recall his career, and to let it flow 
with what is important to him, rather than to try to force him to recall 
events whose context is different to him than to us.  

Steven Rowe

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