digest #352

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Dec 13 18:37:34 CET 2000

From: "Luca Boschi" <cnotw at zen.it>
Subject: R: KOMIX and original articles
>>>>OK. But this is a  different matter. ...if a magazine translates 'em
in another language, and translates things NOT published in Disney comic
books (like our "Blue Book", published by Alessandro Distribuzioni in
Bologna) or takes things from Internet newssgroups (with their authors well
indicated)... in this case we are not talkin' about Disney. We are talking
about a
different publisher which uses articles just published in other books NOT
published by any Disney publisher. Well, what can you say about such guys?

Ah, yes, if that's the case, they *are* stealing. A year or two ago I told
KOMIX they should stop doing that, and maybe that's why they hired their
new text writer. If that's still going on, it's happening only in the texts
that he does not supply.

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