Mery Krismus an a hapi neu yeer!

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Thu Dec 21 12:45:11 CET 2000


A merry year and a happy new christmas to you, too!

> my best wishes (in Rosa form 8-)

Going off on a tangent, even if you handn't mentioned it (and Don hadn't
signed the drawing), it would still have been fairly obvious that the
drawing was by Don.  Has anyone ever wondered what it is that makes the
work of an artist be recognized as his? We usually talk about individual
"style", but what is style, and can it be quantified?

I don't suppose I should expect an answer, but I can't help wondering...

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Well, I just put 1.795372 and 2.204628 together."
"And what does *that* mean?"

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