Tarzan comic book adaptation
Dr. Archontis Pantsios
apantsio at ac.anatolia.edu.gr
Wed Jan 5 11:19:23 CET 2000
>I would like to know: Did a comic with the adaption of the
>movie tarzan come out in your country? Our weekly has
>had a tradition of publishing the movie-adaptions, but I guess
>they stopped, as they do with many nice traditions, or maybe
>thew adaption was too bad? In Greece saw adaptions of
>Bug's Life and Simbas pride. maybe Tarzan has been published
>in Megalo Miky?
The comic book version of Walt Disney's animated feature "Tarzan" has indeed
appeared in the January 2000 issue of "Megalo Mickey" and can be picked from
the news-stands as we speak. In addition to the "Tarzan" adaptation, this
extra-thick issue (thickest so far, they claim!) also features Almanacco
Topolino re-prints by Carpi and Scarpa ("Il drago Kandelor", AT #181, 1972).
Have a Happy and Prosperous 2000!
Holiday Cheers,
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