The Blot's daughter

Sandven, Halvor halvor.sandven at
Fri Jan 14 08:24:54 CET 2000


I agree that the Phantom Blot story in MMA 8 is a very good story, and that
the Blot obviously loves his daughter. I am also glad that she's his
daughter, and not his niece, this making the story much more powerful.
However, I don't agree with Kriton that the creators look upon the Blot as a
space alien, becuse I think it's quite logical that she dresses like she
does, and I don't think that these 'clothes' are forced upon her. This for a
couple of reasons:

- I think that the Blot is kind of twisted. We have seldom seen him without
his black hood, so for him, this is the normal way to dress. What's normal
for him, he also wants to be normal for his daughter, because he loves her.
I think that neither the Blot nor his daughter regard this as a cruel act.

- The daughter also loves her father, and looks upon him as a hero that she
wants to be like. Then it's only natural that she dresses like him, and also
that all her dolls and stuffed animals are dressed the same way. This is
something she wants herself, and not something that her father forces her to

The Phantom Blot is not exactly the ideal father and role-model. It's not
very strange that his daughter is a bit different than other kids. I can't
help but feel a bit sorry for her.

--- Halvor.

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