Eta Brat;-)

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at
Sun Jan 16 14:36:30 CET 2000

Eta Beta 

> Well, strange coincidence, I bought those issues, from 1990,
> (and a lot others) myself in Copenhagen, at Pharao's Cigarrer,
> in 1998.
I see. How dum of me that i haven't thought of them I will ask them.
Fantask did have a lot of Gladstones yes. when they came out, I don't
know how many back-issues they would have...

> The latter is easily arranged, check
Thanks Eta:-)

> The editors asked the readers, in MMA #8, to forward their opinions
> about the character, especially as to whether, in their own words,
> "Is she a sweet tyke who just happens to have a felon for a father?
> Or is she as twisty as her old dad ?"
> Will we ever know ? :-)
Let us hope we will hear the answer. But... 1990, they never made it to
print the answer then or ??

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