Anders Christian Sivebaek
acsive at
Sat Jan 22 13:24:42 CET 2000
Nils Lid Hjort
Thanks for explaining reasons for the editorial pages and
footnotes of the Kalevala. I read the first editorial page first
and noted all the nice advices as to how one should read the
story having all 3 parts, reading the notes and so on. It also
said that Don used the special meter/rhytm. I noted later,
thanks to you, that the norwegian text about the meter says:
the norwegian translator used the rhytm too!
I later learned that the actual only mistake in the danish version
would be that the person-who-puts-texts-in-the-bubbles didn't use
the special font.
Back to footnotes:
I'm glad that so much extra info was brought to us, but still some of
seemed to me to be foolishness from the dansih side. But I of course
can't know the origin of this: Can you find Don's signature in the
first panel?
Nope! i can find no signature, it doesn't say Don Rosa upthere (It
says at the bottom of the next page, with the usual font:-)
What I can find is what I have learned to call a dedication... A
to a master. It is not a signature that Don puts in his stories to tell
us it
is his, we don't need to find a such to know that it is his story, we
even sometimes see it in the credits (1991 and 1999-?). D.U.C.K.
mean: Don, then undefeated Comic King or something like that, it is a
dedication not a signature. Done
The "someone here" was me:-)
> "The music played by old Pohjola-lady Louhi here is from
> Wagner's march of the valkuries. Don Rosa has actually
> used this music example on an earlier occasion in a
> Duck story ..."
First: *it is* very, should we say beautiful, that the readers get to
know that,
They will have learned also that from the weekly.
secondly: Okay, the editors weren't sloopy here then, but to me it
just seemed so, as it didn't say: go find it.
> Kalevala-konsulent: Nils Lid Hjort
> in the 180.000 * 3 = 540.000 Donald Duck issues.
I'm sorry to say, even if you do highly deserve it, you don't seem to
be mentioned in the danish weekly in the colofon or what's it called.
The danish translator and the editors and editor-in-chief of the mag is
This happened also to Translators Rindom and Daa (also know as
JW-generals:-) in all the issues they translated, they were never
credited in the magazine.
Let me say: 1999 was a good year in terms of stories in the weekly, and
covers, which is off course the most important. But there has been some
little mistakes in terms of fact-pages. I hope 2000 will be better on
all areas, but already in issue 3 I see the first Duckburg Times with
references to the Vacuum-story and Lost in the South Seas, but I just
know those references, it doesn't say anywhere...
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