Greetings from Binghamton, NY!!!

Archontis Pantsios apantsi at
Tue Jan 25 20:32:03 CET 2000

Fellow Quackeroos!

Well, it didn't take me much to get back on the (list)wagon, did it?! :-)

I'm writing from a freezing up-state NY. When I arrived in NYC last Friday,
it was -30 F with the wind chill factor! Now, it's all the way up to 15F
with a snow storm out my office window...

Let me take this opportunity to say "hi" to all my dcml friends out there
and let them know of my present whereabouts. My new e-mail address is:

apantsi at

Nice to be "back"...



Archontis L. Pantsios, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor of Economics
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York

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