Italian Inducks update

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at
Mon Jul 3 17:34:52 CEST 2000


After a long time, the Italian issue web pages
( have been updated with the
latest Inducks release data, thanks to the effort of the Inducks

Now there is possible to find complete indexes for Topolino
libretto (more than 2300 issues), Almanacco Topolino, Zio
Paperone, I Maestri Disney, just to cite some of the many issues
of Italian production: actually there are more than 5800 issues
with at least one entry...

There are also indexes from Italian Disney creators: Scarpa,
Bottaro, Cavazzano, but also writers such as Martina and Cimino.

Hope you enjoy the site... and let me know your feedback. ;-)

   - Paolo

--  mailto:p.castagno at

"Voi, laggiu'! L'aereo delle 14.01 che passa sopra casa mia
mentre schiaccio il pisolino pomeridiano s'intende soppresso!
(Governatore John Paperon in I TL  228-A)

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