Donald on the Ark

Pietro Reynaud-Bersanino pierrebi at
Fri Jun 2 08:42:52 CEST 2000

Dear friends, I did not read my mail for 3 days because of my exam in Holy
Scriptures 2: Ancient Testament. I have got a 28/30, and I am not very happy.
Any way I would like to share a my little knowledge with you. I hope not to
appear pretentious.

A preamble: Genesis 1-10 (in a few words) was written by members of a
Priest Theological School who collected tales of the mesopotanian area and
of Israel tradion (oral and, maybe, written)

Kristian Pedersen <K.Pedersen at> wrote

>At the risk of displaying to to the world my in no way impressive 
>knowledge of the Bible (I _could_ go home and check first, but then I'd 
>have to wait until tomorrow to post this), I think Noah actually DID take 
>more than one pair from some of the species, didn't he? If that's true, 
>and nothing further is mentioned, then we still don't know for sure 
>whether whatever-it-is-that-Donald-and-Daisy-are (WIITDADA) = ducks ;)

The Bible has got, at last, two *different* narration of Noah story mixed
togheter: one tells of one pair from each species and the other one tells
of seven pairs, male and female.

The pair cames from the mythes of god and goddes who gave birth to life, or
the mythes of the god of the heaven (male) who inseminate the goddes earth
(female) witt rain. 
Seven is the perfect number, the number who means totality and beauty (you
can see the "Song of creation" in Genesis 1)

"Henri Kunne" <HJC.Kunne at> wrote 
>That's not obvious. According to Genesis 7:2, by divine command (and NOT
>by 'not being fair'), Noah took seven pairs of the clean species, one pair
>of the unclean species; pigs and the like. (Guess The Three Little Pigs
>had to pick straws....

The problem of clean and unclean became whit the  Priests ... so that I
think that the second narration is a Priest Narration  while the first one
is taken from ancient mythes of the zone. 

After Genesis 1:27 the pair has lost is mythical means to became a symbol
of totality: the man (male and female) were created the 7th day. 

Than arrived the sin and so all the problem of clean and unclean. I'm
christian and so I believe  Jesus resolved the problem of sin, and  the
clean/unclean question (Act 10:9-16)

I am sorry, but I cannot write in english very well. If somebody would
likes a more scientific explanation I am pleased to go the library and to
find answers!

Ciao da Pietro

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