A História dos Computadores-Characters

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at libero.it
Mon Jun 5 19:54:30 CEST 2000

Fernando Ventura wrote:

> Talvez(Maybe), one off the characters, also appear into: 
> "A Máquina Talvez"(The Maybe Machine) B 800047. The Inducks 
> link this historie with a Barks historie. Someone knows 
> something about it? I don't remenber this
> Bark's historie.

It is a funny 4-pager with Gyro, where he creates a know-it-all
machine, that seems to give just stupid answers, but when GY
verifies the machine answers are correcs goes nuts. 

  - Paolo
http://members.xoom.it/inducks  mailto:p.castagno at libero.it

(Kali' in I TL  183-A)

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