The Greek letter sigma

Georgios Balanikas M.D. gbalanik at
Wed Jun 7 00:12:05 CEST 2000

> I'm sure you're right, but "it's all Greek to me", y'know?  And that
> "o" in my "Pooa" is not really an "o", you don't need to tell me. The
> is the Greek letters look like they say "Ntov Pooa", not "Nton Rossa" or
> anything else. You'll have people thinking there's something wrong with
> eyes!

 The third letter is a  sigma .This symbol is in use from the 9th century
a.d.The original ancient Greek letter comes from the c and it seems to
approach this shape from the 7th century a.d.Of course I am speaking for
the mentioned sigma not for the capital Greek sigma which is different.
There is also another small sigma  we use at the end of the words the
'final' s.

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