re 173 - Armando, Apostolis,Harry
Anders Christian Sivebaek
acsive at
Sat Jun 10 15:16:27 CEST 2000
> The book contains also Don's "Duck Family Tree", and an index of the
> of the characters appearing in the saga.
Hello! You didn't tell me that:-) I look even more forward to getting
the book now:-)
(It's send)
They called the last sled story 9b? their own invention...
> "Last Sled for Dawson" as a Lo$ chapter? I don't thing so. You see,
> Sled" is like "The Sign of the Triple Distelfink".
I don't really think there's much comparison, between these two great
stories. Except for the flashbacking I mean.
> Both stories have
> mentions to the past but neither "last Sled" nor "Triple Distelfink"
> something like Lo$. Both stories take place not in the past but in
our days
> (or, as Don says "In 1967").
That's not a paranthesis... And Don doesn't say that - Harry is right.
Don would say in the 50'es as barks drew his best stories in that
period and Don read the magazione in this period. 1967 was the year
Scrooge is supposed to die in Don's stories, as he is a human in Don's
comics, and they can't live much longer than that, and Ducks can't at
We will possibly never see Scrooge dead's day, we have only seen that
imaginative scene where Daisy,Donald, Huey,Dewey and Louie stand at his
grave (Look at duckhunt's cover-page). The drawing was done for a
german fanzine telling artists to do a drawing on the sentence:
Whjatever happened to Scrooge?
1957 is more like it, or maybe earlier. Last Sked to Dawson in the
non-flashback-scenes takes places only a few years after Barks' Back to
Klondike, isn't that right?
> In this case, it's up to the editors to decide how they advertise a
> This Dawson story was also in the Lo$ album series in Holland, so
Italy is
> not the only one...
Hey, why didn't I get that album when I was in Holland and got all the
other Lo$-albums.. I guess I didn't find it in a shop, and that I
didn't realize its being part of the saga in the editors' mind.
> Not 1967. Some important character would be dead by 1967, in Don's
vision of
> the Duck world.
> Not Exactly. You see, Don said in an interview (again) that "Of
Ducks, Dimes
> and Destinies" is actually the 0 chapter. He didn't say anything
about "Last
> Sled".
I see. But the story shows something that they would want to show in
the book, so I understand them. BTW I hope the editors in italy didn't
write something like: complete, all chapters or something... cause that
wont be true for a long time. We just recently heard from Don here that
he's doing another chapter (10B). Will all the publishers publish
another book then? At least they should publish the story, now that
they've puiblished all the others. And don't come up with this again,
about bad ratings on new Lo$-stories. I don't believe it. Every true
Rosa-fan maybe was also a completist the day the issue with the note to
send in and rate was in the mag, so they kept it... I do that, but I
see that I have be carefull.
> Actually the correct year is...1966. That year Carl Barks stop
> ducks. So, all the stories are taken place that year (or maybe some
> before)
Nah... (Honk! :-)) Barks did stop in 1967, you got that right. some of
the last Scrooge stories was written there, or am I wrong? In any case
it's 1968 in DK, as the last US-story by the duck man was published
that year here...
Some years? at least 10 or so, and that's not some years, that's half
of my lifetime for example!
Don's stories at least, take place from 1877 (published stories) to the
50'es. or are any of you stories supposed to take place in the 60'es
> Apostolis Trikourakis
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